Food storage
By Zoey Sky
Reduce food waste by refrigerating fruits and vegetables
Food waste is still a huge problem in the United States. But according to a U.K. study, this can be solved by making a change to your food storage habits. The study has found that refrigerating fruits and vegetables instead of keeping them in a fruit bowl on the kitchen counter can help extend their […]
By Zoey Sky
Prepper must-haves: 15 Tools and supplies you need on your homestead
Starting a homestead from scratch is an overwhelming task, especially for those who are new to the homesteading lifestyle. Instead of attempting something this challenging while unprepared, it’s best to plan first and get basic supplies and tools that will make life on your homestead a little easier as you get started. (h/t to NewLifeOnAHomestead.com) Some of these important […]
By Zoey Sky
Prepper projects: How to build a root cellar for your food stockpile
Your survival stockpile is a crucial part of your emergency preparedness plans, especially if you want to stock up on enough food, water and other supplies for your family. Make the most of your basement or a spare room by turning it into a root cellar for food storage. (h/t to ReadyNutrition.com) What is a root […]
By Zoey Sky
Food prep and storage tips for your emergency food supply
Proper food prep and storage are crucial for your survival stockpile. These two prepping essentials can help ensure that you and your family have access to enough food and clean water if you have to bug in at home during a long-term survival scenario. If you want to extend the shelf life of items in your […]
By Zoey Sky
12 Food preservation and food storage techniques you can use when SHTF
If you want to prepare for a long-term survival scenario or societal collapse, you have to plan ahead and stock up on survival essentials like food and water for your family. To make things easier for yourself, you can start growing crops in your home garden. You can also learn different methods of preserving food so you […]
By Olivia Cook
Food preservation techniques used by different cultures around the world
Preserving food naturally can help increase your food supply and reduce food waste. If you wish to learn how to prolong the shelf life of foods in your stockpile, you can look at food preservation techniques used by people from different places. Here are some of the ways people from different cultures keep their foods fresh for […]
By Zoey Sky
Food supply 101: Tips for preparing a healthy food stockpile
The items in your survival stockpile may include a lot of shelf-stable food, but that doesn’t mean you have to eat meals that aren’t nutritious when SHTF. If you don’t want to feed your family food with empty calories, plan ahead and stock up on healthy items like fruits, vegetables and grains. (h/t to TheSurvivalMom.com) To […]
By Zoey Sky
Prepping essentials: 11 Forever foods for your food storage pantry
When looking for foods to add to your stockpile before SHTF, you can’t go wrong with “forever foods” like honey and rice. The foods detailed below have a long shelf life and will almost never go bad. Read on to learn more. (h/t to TheSurvivalMom.com) Baking soda Baking soda is a versatile ingredient. It can […]
By Zoey Sky
Food preservation 101: A step-by-step guide to air-drying fruits
Dehydrating food by air-drying is a simple and cost-effective way of preserving fresh fruit for your survival stockpile. This option is great for preppers who don’t want to buy equipment for food prep or those looking for an alternative food preservation method that will still work even after SHTF and the grid goes down. (h/t to ModernSurvivalOnline.com) […]
By Zoey Sky
Let’s Talk Wellness Now: 10 Natural foods with a long shelf life for your survival stockpile – Brighteon.TV
In a recent episode of the show “Let’s Talk Wellness Now,” host Dr. Debra Muth highlighted the importance of preparing for the food crisis affecting America. Muth discussed 10 natural foods that preppers should stock up on before SHTF. The list includes items with a long shelf life like canned fruits and vegetables, honey, salt […]
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