survival food
By Zoey Sky
Food prep and storage tips for your emergency food supply
Proper food prep and storage are crucial for your survival stockpile. These two prepping essentials can help ensure that you and your family have access to enough food and clean water if you have to bug in at home during a long-term survival scenario. If you want to extend the shelf life of items in your […]
By Zoey Sky
12 Food preservation and food storage techniques you can use when SHTF
If you want to prepare for a long-term survival scenario or societal collapse, you have to plan ahead and stock up on survival essentials like food and water for your family. To make things easier for yourself, you can start growing crops in your home garden. You can also learn different methods of preserving food so you […]
By Zoey Sky
Food supply 101: Tips for preparing a healthy food stockpile
The items in your survival stockpile may include a lot of shelf-stable food, but that doesn’t mean you have to eat meals that aren’t nutritious when SHTF. If you don’t want to feed your family food with empty calories, plan ahead and stock up on healthy items like fruits, vegetables and grains. (h/t to TheSurvivalMom.com) To […]
By Zoey Sky
Food preservation 101: A step-by-step guide to air-drying fruits
Dehydrating food by air-drying is a simple and cost-effective way of preserving fresh fruit for your survival stockpile. This option is great for preppers who don’t want to buy equipment for food prep or those looking for an alternative food preservation method that will still work even after SHTF and the grid goes down. (h/t to ModernSurvivalOnline.com) […]
By Kevin Hughes
How to stockpile foods with a long shelf life
Stockpiling foods that can last for weeks or years is not just a smart way of beating rising food costs. It can also help you save money and be prepared for emergencies. In the event of a long power outage, having even a small supply of long-shelf life foods, such as dry goods, canned goods and freeze-dried foods, […]
By Zoey Sky
Food supply 101: Fish, a cheap and easy survival food
For preppers looking for a live food supply that is simple and affordable, keeping fish in a natural pond or man-made tank on your homestead is a good idea. While this project requires some money upfront, it will be a worthwhile investment. (h/t to MDCreekmore.com) If you have a homestead and you want to survive when SHTF, a […]
By Zoey Sky
Prepping skills: 15 Food storage and preservation methods to learn before SHTF
When preparing for different long-term survival scenarios or economic collapse, your preps will usually include getting the right gear and stockpiling food supplies. One item many preppers are predominantly preoccupied with is food. Food is crucial because even though humans can survive without food for weeks, slow starvation will degrade both the body and mind. No matter what […]
By Zoey Sky
Foraging 101: 10 Wild nuts to forage every Fall
Nuts are delicious and nutritious. And when SHTF, wild nuts can be a great source of plant-based protein. If you want to stock up on wild nuts for winter, forage for nuts like almonds and beechnuts in the fall. (h/t to PracticalSelfReliance.com) Fall is a great time for foraging because you have a lot of options […]
By Zoey Sky
Food storage tips: 11 Superfoods that boost your nutrient intake
Most prepper stockpiles have pantry staples like beans and rice. But even if you stock up on a lot of canned food, your diet will require other nutritious ingredients so you can stay healthy and strong after SHTF. While preparing for a survival scenario, stock up on superfoods like berries and dark leafy greens or […]
By Zoey Sky
Foraging 101: Best US states to forage for food after SHTF
For some preppers, foraging is the last resort when trying to find food for their family after SHTF. Foraging is a rewarding way of getting more food for free. Foraging can even help you save some money on grocery bills. (h/t to AskAPrepper.com) Why is foraging an important prepper skill? In a post-SHTF world, foraging can help save your life, […]
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