News & Articles By Olivia Cook
By Olivia Cook
Cold Stone Creamery SUED over its pistachio ice cream that DOESN’T contain pistachios
A popular ice cream chain is being sued for deceptive advertising after a woman from Long Island, New York discovered that its pistachio ice cream does not actually contain pistachios. Farmingdale, New York resident Henna Marie Duncan has filed a class action suit against Cold Stone Creamery. Duncan claimed that in July 2022, she bought pistachio […]
By Olivia Cook
Poor harvests drive orange juice prices to record highs, forcing makers to explore alternative fruits
Orange juice futures have surged to a multi-decade high of $4.92 per pound this week – driven by poor harvests in Brazil and Florida. Brazil, the world’s largest exporter of orange juice, has faced unusually high temperatures and below-average rainfall this year, while Florida’s orange groves have been battered by hurricanes and a cold snap […]
By Olivia Cook
Ditch harmful VEGETABLE OILS for these healthy substitutes
Industrial seed and vegetable oils are harmful to your health, and these products are long entrenched in the market. However, there are substitutes you can use to replace these harmful oils in your cooking. But how exactly do industrial seed and vegetable oils undermine your health? According to a study published in the journal Open […]
By Olivia Cook
Replace ultra-processed foods with these HEALTHY alternatives
In a world where convenience often trumps nutritional value, making healthy food choices can sometimes feel like a daunting task. However, small changes in dietary habits can yield significant benefits for overall well-being. One effective strategy is to swap out ultra-processed foods (UPFs) – those laden with additives, preservatives, and refined ingredients – for healthy […]
By Olivia Cook
Consumer Reports reveals certain food items carry high risk of PESTICIDE contamination
Consumer Reports (CR) has unveiled alarming findings indicating that one out of every five tested foods available in the United States carries a high risk of pesticide contamination. The report, released on April 18, highlighted the presence of banned pesticides in certain foods, with green peas being cited as an example. To assess the current […]
By Olivia Cook
Unilever recalls Magnum ice cream in the U.K. and Ireland due to possible metal and plastic contamination
Several batches of the popular ice cream brand Magnum sent to the United Kingdom and Ireland have been recalled over concerns that these might contain metal and plastic fragments. Unilever Food Solutions U.K., the British subsidiary of Magnum’s Danish manufacturer Unilever, has launched the recall as a precautionary step following internal safety checks. The company […]
By Olivia Cook
Food storage: Containers for storing wheat berries for optimal shelf life
Biologically speaking, the wheat berry, also known as the “kernel,” is the seed from which a wheat plant grows. They are a powerful survival food that, if stored properly, can last for years in your stockpile. Wheat seeds or wheat berries are true whole grains that will keep you healthy. They are a great source of […]
By Olivia Cook
4 Natural solutions that can help address CANCER
Cancer is often addressed using strong medications that can cause more harm than the disease it purports to fight. Fortunately, there are natural cancer-fighting solutions that you can use against the Big C. Allspice Allspice (Pimenta dioica) is made from the unripe berries of the P. dioica tree that are dried and ground. It is […]
By Olivia Cook
The healthiest kinds of salt contain more nutrients and less sodium
Salt, or sodium chloride, is a mineral compound that is required to survive. It is an essential nutrient your body needs for various physiological processes, including aiding the balance and stability of electrolytes and fluids, carrying and absorbing nutrients into cells, maintaining cell plasma volume, regulating acid-base balance and supporting a healthy nervous system. Most […]
By Olivia Cook
Food Security: The best crops to grow in an edible garden
A practical, self-sufficient survival garden is one of the best friends you can have if and when the next crisis hits hard – where you can still make the “fresh is best” lifestyle a reality even in the event of a collapse. Container gardens, grow bag gardens, hydroponic kits, pots on a windowsill and window boxes, […]
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