News & Articles By S.D. Wells
By S.D. Wells
Canadian government attributes nationwide poverty to high food costs, not failed government policies and money printing
Food shopping can be a stressful venture, especially if you try to distinguish the truly healthy options from the green labeled garbage produced by international food processing corporations. But for many Canadians, shopping for food could be pushing them below the poverty line. The Canadian National Advisory Council on Poverty (NACP) recently published a report […]
By S.D. Wells
VAXXED SWINE: How many Americans have been eating toxic spike protein particles for the past 5 years every time they consume pork and bacon? (op-ed)
If it’s true that you “are what you eat,” then millions of Americans are walking, talking, ticking health time bombs full of toxic virus-mimicking prions that were injected into the pigs they’ve been eating since 2018. Without telling consumers across America, certain state governments and Big “Farma” have been injecting pigs with mRNA “technology” for […]
By S.D. Wells
DO NOT EAT: Bill Gates’ “Apeel” produce company using questionable mono-and diglycerides to gloss produce
If you have noticed a bright, shiny coating on produce lately, even organic, that’s most likely the new Bill Gates funded chemical coating called Apeel, and nobody can seem to figure out what exactly it’s made of, if it’s organic, and why it cannot be washed off. It’s even on produce in Trader Joes, Whole […]
By S.D. Wells
Top 7 Ways the Democrats in D.C. plan on REDUCING the POPULATION
Yes, the Vice President of the United States of America just said the “quiet part” out loud live on television for the whole world to hear, and try to digest. The not-so-brilliant sidekick for Resident Biden, who just informed the world that “AI” stands for artificial intelligence (because nobody knew that until she did), wants […]
By S.D. Wells
Top 6 TRICK PHRASES Big Food and Big Pharma use to sell you toxic products
Yes, Big Food and Big Pharma get away with murder, literally. Even though there aren’t food and “farma” representatives going around cities and towns shooting or stabbing folks, that is not to say that their marketing ploys and cons don’t con people into using products that cause conditions that kill, slowly, like obesity, cancer, diabetes, […]
By S.D. Wells
Franken-meat grown from chicken cells in labs set to take over US restaurants and supermarkets as GLOBAL FOOD RESET begins
Some big questions preside over whether the new fake “cultured” chicken meat will be labeled as such when it’s served in all the major restaurants and sold in supermarkets across the nation soon, now that it’s approved for “manufacturing” from chicken cells in a laboratory. Natural health advocates call this Franken-meat, because only FrankensteinĀ himself would […]
By S.D. Wells
At least 90% of processed foods, including many organic items, now contain mind-numbing, obesity-inducing CANOLA OIL
Worldwide, canola oil is the third most popular vegetable oil by volume, running just behind soybean and palm oil, because it’s so cheap and works so good at preserving food. The reason it’s such a good preservative is that nothing will eat it, except stupid (uniformed) humans. Bugs won’t eat canola oil. Animals hate it. […]
By S.D. Wells
Lack of research about chemical agents called SULFITES in food has resulted in an array of health implications for consumers
Sulfites are chemicals commonly used as preservatives in food, beverages, wine, and even medications, to slow down the browning and discoloration effect during preparation, storage, and distribution. For many consumers, sulfites are nothing to worry about, but for millions of others, sulfites can be a key cause of allergy symptoms, autoimmune reactions, and asthma attacks, […]
By S.D. Wells
EIGHT key body systems are under PERPETUAL ATTACK by Big Food and Big Pharma
For most Americans who eat conventional foods and processed “junk science” food stuff day in and day out, their body and brain is under perpetual attack from all angles. Those same consumers develop symptoms of “bad food disease” (BFD) and they begin suppressing those signs with over-the-counter medications, which is about as smart as cutting […]
By S.D. Wells
The IMPORTATION and EXPORTATION practices that are crippling America
It is more than obvious that the Biden administration’s main goal is to systematically turn America into a communist country by dismantling the constitution, destroying the middle class, and fixing the elections so the Democrats remain in power for good. As the supply chain crumbles more and more each day, the cost of goods is […]
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