News & Articles By Zoey Sky
By Zoey Sky
Budget prepping: Ways to make your food budget last longer
If you’ve been paying attention to store items for the last few months, you may have noticed that food prices have been increasing. The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Food Price Outlook for 2022 is grim, particularly since many factors like supply chain issues, bad weather and rising fuel costs affect food costs. Fortunately, there are many […]
By Zoey Sky
Emergency shelter essentials: 7 Things you need for hassle-free off-grid living
If you plan to evacuate and wait things out at a safe location when SHTF, you’ll need more than a bug-out bag. Before it’s time to bug out when disaster strikes, prepare essentials like a backup power source, water and space for a survival garden in your emergency shelter. (h/t to TheOrganicPrepper.com) Preparing your off-grid shelter before […]
By Zoey Sky
Food supply tips: 9 Ways to preserve meat at home
Preppers spend a lot of time growing or acquiring food for their stockpile because they need a lot of supplies to prepare for a long-term survival scenario. Having a lot of food is good, but knowing how to preserve food helps significantly extend the shelf life of your supplies, especially if you want to stock […]
By Zoey Sky
The Midnight Sentinel: Food shortages are about to get worse
“The Midnight Sentinel” host JD Rucker has warned that people should start prepping as food shortages are about to get worse. In a recent episode of his program, Rucker shared information that old and new preppers can use to prepare before SHTF. Rucker also warned against two potential outcomes: First is a “creeping anarchy,” where […]
By Zoey Sky
Food storage tips: Keep pests away from your food supplies with diatomaceous earth
You spend a lot of time and money to set up your food stockpile so you should make sure that it’s protected from pests and rodents. You can do this naturally with diatomaceous earth. (h/t to TheSurvivalMom.com) How does diatomaceous earth work for pest control? Diatomaceous earth (DE) is made from the fossilized remains of diatoms or […]
By Zoey Sky
Food supply tips: 7 Vegetables to grow for your food stockpile
Growing vegetables in your home garden ensures that you have access to fresh food even after SHTF. If want to start a garden of your own, try growing vegetables like garlic, lettuce and spinach. (h/t to FoodStorageMoms.com) Home gardening requires a bit of hard work, but your reward is fresh, delicious and GMO-free vegetables. If you […]
By Zoey Sky
Essential prepping skills: 12 Hobbies that can help you survive after SHTF
As a prepper you need to be a well-rounded individual. After all, it’s not enough to just have a stockpile of food and survival supplies on your homestead. Before SHTF, learning various prepping skills or hobbies like home gardening or hunting can help you survive. In an episode of “The Late Prepper with JD Rucker,” the […]
By Zoey Sky
20 Cheap, nutritious foods with a long shelf life for your survival stockpile
It can be difficult to come up with items that you need for your survival stockpile, but you should focus on ingredients that are affordable, versatile and have a long shelf life. This ensures that when SHTF, your items won’t go bad before you have a chance to use them. In a recent episode of their program […]
By Zoey Sky
13 Useful food storage lessons from World War II
There are a lot of lessons to be learned from World War II (WWII), especially for preppers who want to know how to store food supplies before SHTF. During WWII, people had to survive on war rations, which made it hard to feed a large family, especially if you were on a budget. In America, the government started rationing certain […]
By Zoey Sky
Healthy prepping: 10 Affordable and nutritious foods that have a long shelf-life
Before disaster strikes, you need to make sure that your survival stockpile contains different items and ingredients that you can use to cook for your family when stores run out of products. If you’re on a budget, Larry and Hope Ware got your back. In the program “Under the Median: Living with Joy and Abundance on […]
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