12/08/2024 / By S.D. Wells
Ever heard of a “pet project?” That’s when the government gives billions of dollars to people to do nothing while they claim they spent it on “climate things.” There’s no accountability for the trillions of dollars the Biden regime has printed and wasted. Nobody knows where it all went, no companies are being audited, and certainly the 80,000 new IRS employees aren’t holding their own government in contempt. A large portion of those funds are funneled into the biggest hoax of the century, called “climate change,” and for everyone who is scared to death they’ll die from it, well, there’s a vaccine for it now, called the climate vaccine, so be sure to ask your corporate farmer and your medical quack if it’s “right for you.”
The climate vaccine is the latest development in “medicine” funded by psychotic billionaires and being created to stop cows from farting methane into the atmosphere, which is supposedly causing all of the glaciers to rapidly melt, oceans to swallow up continents, and humans to burst into flames while walking down the street. Climate alarmism is a disease where gullible, brainwashed humans are completely and utterly committed (pardon the pun) to saving the earth by giving most of their time, money and energy to these psychotic billionaires, who made up the problem out of thin air (pardon the pun again).
Once a few billion cows are injected with this deadly “vaccine,” their milk and meat will be tainted, and every human who eats the meat or consumes dairy products that come from those cows will be part of the grand colon cancer experiment. Why? Because burping and farting are natural ways the body reduces gas and bloating, and people with persistent or worsening gas require medical attention for “underlying gastrointestinal conditions.” Care to know what those conditions are?
According to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, after chronic gastrointestinal conditions persist, including small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO), the body may become unable to absorb sufficient nutrients from food. If you think Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos haven’t been informed of this by the scientists creating and implementing the “climate vaccine,” then you need to uninstall Microsoft windows now and stop shopping on Amazon.
Eventually, once you can’t fart or burp anymore or absorb nutrients, you’ll suffer extreme weight loss and anemia. You may also, during this stage of “climate change” in your intestines, develop chronic constipation, peptic ulcers, hernias, intestinal blockages, and wait for it … colorectal cancer.
Yes, colorectal cancer describes the co-occurring colon cancer and rectal cancer, and it is not uncommon. It’s already the third most commonly diagnosed cancer in the United States. Watch for those rates to skyrocket not long after the climate vaccine is administered to a few billion cattle.
Then come the polyps. Remember, the cows will be sick too, so consuming their meat and byproducts will most likely be the most toxic food on earth. Polyps are growths that form on the inside of the colon, increasing the risk of developing colon cancer on the inner walls of the large intestine. Thanks a lot Bill and Jeff.
Check out ClimateAlarmism.news for updates on psychotic billionaires spending big chunks of their money to adulterate the meat and dairy food supply while decreasing the population by a few billion. Better stick to organic meat and dairy, or just cut it out of your intake altogether.
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Tagged Under:
bill gates, climate change, climate cult, climate vaccine, colon cancer, Colorectal Cancer, cow cancer, cow vaccine, food supply, Jeff Bezos, stupid, toxic ingredients, vaccine wars
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